John Arndt
Executive CliftonStrengths coach and certified Spiritual Director, ACC
Areas of Specialization:
John offers coaching and spiritual direction. His coaching is guided by ICF core competencies, so he coaches any topic a client wants to bring, but he also offers coaching using two powerful resources:
CliftonStrengths coaching to help individuals, couples and teams learn to invest in their natural strengths and champion each other’s unique wiring.
Vocation and calling, using Your One Degree material. This helps you explore what drives you’re your CliftonStrengths and Enneagram profiles, and the skills and experiences you’ve accumulated to have a flourishing impact on the world around you.
The difference between Spiritual Direction and Coaching:
Spiritual Direction is present-focused, a nonjudgmental wondering together about your felt experience with God and felt absence.
Coaching is forward thinking, helping generate new possibilities with measurable steps planned.
Language Proficiency:
A Bit About John
John and Bethany Arndt worked in Cape Town, South Africa for almost a decade. They have a witty and vivacious son and live in Tulsa, Oklahoma. John sees the integration of coaching, spiritual direction and friendship as the vehicle for healing and growth, and values unity-in-diversity, strategic focus and holistic growth.
John trained leaders in spiritual formation and church-planting, and provided pastoral care for missionaries around the world for years. He’s used CliftonStrengths to help leaders, couples and teams embrace their patterns of interacting with the world around them since 2012, and has offered Spiritual Direction since 2019.
John’s been training folks for several years to use open-ended and powerful questions to maximize impact and deepen relationships. He’s also helped leaders grow through the process of asking questions as a means of personal and leadership development.
Rates / Packages
Clifton Strenghts Coaching
More context for what CliftonStrength coaching looks like:
Your One Degree
Spiritual Journey Accompaniment
contact for pricing
10x1 hour sessions
Standard Coaching Pathway
As many sessions as needed